點知真係咁啱線,直頭好似王晶啲戲都冇咁啱,屌.....咪係囉,Racheal 喎,哈,仲有乜嘢可以正過响呢頭撞到呢位咁有性格特質嘅竹升妹吖?
鬼妹仔就問Racheal,”Do you know this guy?"
Racheal 就答,”Kinda,but not really。”
”Why not?”
嘻,不過冇所謂,肯接招就得,林行時,Racheal 都起碼用中文講咗句,
”多謝 la”,
鬼妹反應就香甜好多,見牙唔見眼嘅”Thank you!”差唔多好似想嘴我一啖咁,所以有時唔係話番自己中國人,禮貌呢家嘢,真係要學習學習。
”Hey,you wanna seat here?”
Racheal 就唔多開心望著佢,鬼妹就細細聲答,
”He did bought our food."
”What is he saying?”,
Racheal 答,
”He just saying he's thank you, that's all."
”Oh,you're welcome."
跟著就再望Racheal ,
”Who is this guy anyway,and does he understand English?”
Racheal 就答,”I think he's like my stepmom's boyfriend or something , and nah I don't think he understand English , watch this。"
”Ah,Mr, are you my yi yi's (Racheal 叫佢大肚妹做姨姨)boyfrined or something?”
我只係望著Racheal 微笑,跟著佢又再問,
”What were you guys doing over there in the lift when the power went out the other day?"
Racheal 望番鬼妹講,
”See , told you he doesn't understand English."
鬼妹就話,”Cool,at least he doesn't understands what we talk about, so what were you asking him about power went out in the lift?"
Racheal 開始笑,”oh,it was like so fucking funny,I was like going home then I ran into my stepmom and him together, while we were ridding the lift, the fucking power went out, and it was like pitch dark inside, next thing I heard this guy was like fooling around with my stepmom, isn't that fuck up?"
仲有,嚟緊呢兩集,差唔多完全係鬼妹仔同竹升妹對話,所以為求「原汁原味」,將會用番英文寫出(出原文期間曾問讀友意見,大至都認為用番英文合適),不便之處,sorry la。咪當睇老番4仔囉。
"No way! You are kidding me, right?" 鬼妹聽到Racheal 講我同大肚妹响lift度搞嘢的回答。
”Why would I lie to you for?"
"You're right, I believe you, men are horny bastards, one time I saw my mom's boyfriend jerking off with my panties in my room."
"Your mom has a boyfriend? And he did what in your room?"
"I don't know if you can call that a boyfriend, he only comes around for sex with my mom, he's more like my mom's lover or something."
"How do you know that?"
"Well, the first time I didn't mean to catch them, I skipped school that day and when I went home, there were these sound of like people having sex and stuff coming out of my mom's room, so I went over real quietly and saw them going at it."
"Wow, where was your dad?"
"Well, that was what I thought at first, that was mom and dad, but then it couldn't be, cause my dad is away in China."
"Did they know you were there?"
"Of course not, they were fucking their brains out, and I just stay there a little bit to figure out what was happening then I left, I was supposed to be in school, remember ?"
"And then you said he jerk off in your room?"
"Yeah, cause I know this guy comes over every so often, sometimes I actually bumps into him on his way out, so I wanted to know if he goes into my room and mess with my stuff so I set my web cam to monitor my room, and sure enough that bastard was there going through my draws and jerk himself off with my underwear."
"So did you tell your mom?"
"Well, my mom actually walks in and caught him."
"What did you mom do?"
"She was like really mad, and started yelling at him."
"Does he still come by, because if he does, then you have to be careful."
"No, he doesn't come by anymore because after my mom yelled at him, that fucking bastard slapped my mom and said something like he gave her all these good fucking and if he can't come by again, he will give her one last time...and then he raped my mom."
Racheal 把手握著鬼妹仔隻手,
”I am so sorry to hear that.....so did your mom know that you know about the whole situation?"
"No, she didn't know I cam the whole incidence on my computer, and I don't think she wanted me to know either.....and that night I overheard her on the phone with I think was that guy."
"What did you hear?"
"From the sound of it, that guy was like my dad's boss, and if my mom tells anyone about it, my dad will lose his job or something."
"Gee, that was your dad's boss? I wonder if your dad knows about your mom was cheating on him with his boss?"
"I don't know? Let's talk about something else.....so are you coming to my party this Sat?"
"Sure, but why are you having the party this weekend, your birthday was like last week?"
"Ha, because my mom is going to China to meet my dad this weekend, and she said I don't have to go with her once I turn ##(討論區合法年齡,明白啦). Which means I will get the whole house, isn't that awesome for a party?"
"Oh that's why, it does sound like a good idea, who else are you going to invite?"
"Guys, guys, and more guys, ha ha I don't know, I just think like the more people the better, it is still my birthday party, whoever comes has to bring me gifts, ha ha ha so the more the better."
"I already spread the word with like a bunch of people so, but I'm gona need your help to pick up the cake and bring it to my place, I need to help my mom carry some of the stuff to the airport, so I will give you my keys and I will meet you at my place."
"Sure, no biggie, as long as you pay me in advance for the cake, I don't have the money."
"Of course, I will see you that morning anyway to give you the keys."
"Are you sure this guy doesn't understand English?"
Racheal 笑答,”Go ahead, try him again."
鬼妹仔就笑咪咪眼走黎撩我,”hi there, how you doing? You been pretty quiet over here, don't you have anything to say? You are sitting with two beautiful girls, ha ha."
”So he might not say much, but look at his watch, that say something, maybe you can get him to buy you a new bag, I can clearly still see the cum stain on it."
"Shit! You could? I already wiped like fucking 5 times."
"Trust me, Rachael, I know cum stains."
"So what are you doing later?"
"Well, I'm supposed to meet my mom here and go swimming."
"Ha ha, is that why you didn't wear a bra today?"
"How did you know that I didn't ?"
"Well, hel...lo...ooo...?? I can see your nipples were like sticking out, like you were cold or something in class, don't you know you can get in trouble for not wearing bra in school?"
"I know that, but I have my bikini on so I don't have to change later, and I did notice Mr. Jacob was like checking me out the whole time."
”Hey, I also heard of a story that he was masturbating under the desk one time when he was giving out an exam."
嘩,為人師表,咁都得? 不過,屌,如果我對撚著你班o靚妹,一早比人拉撚咗去坐監都似。
”Seriously? Gross...I didn't know, cause you know I didn't came here 'till last year."
"Yeah, that's right, you came from Canada, right? It's like why aren't you there?"
"Well, it's like kinda long story, you know the typical shit, my mom and dad was having problems, separated, devoiced when I was 3, dad’s back to Hong Kong, I stayed in Canada with my mom, mom got married again when I was ##(再嚟一次,##=討論區合法年齡,以後見到##,大家就醒目喇)my step father was really nice to my mom and I, but later on...he uh, ....shit, I don' want to talk about it."
"What happen later on...?"
"Well, one time when my mom was away, he got drunk and came into my room...well, you know...afterward, he told me he was really sorry and he was drunk and all these bull shit, I was younger then, I was scared and hurt and didn't know what to do, he said they will put him to jail if people found out, it was a horrible thing that he did, but what's done was done, and I don't know what would happen to me and mom if he goes to jail you know."
"So, you didn't tell anyone?"
"No, he begged me not to, and beside he was kind to mom and me all these time, and mom loves him, and I liked him too...until that night."
"And you didn't tell your mom either?"
"No, cause I thought like he was drunk, so I forgive him..."
"Bad mistake, Rachael...bad mistake..."
"I know...I find that out....He was like a nice man when it comes to taking care of the family, but once we are alone....he would try to make it with me every chance he gets."
"Did your mom ever find out, or did you tell her?"
"No, I didn't saying anything to her cause after the first few times, it becomes more bearable, he's not violent or anything, and mom already had a bad experience on her first marriage, I just don't want any trouble if I can manage it."
"But eventually she find out though, right?"
"Yeah, it was his sperm stain on my panties, mom thought I was having sex with boys, and she got really piss and started questioning me, cause I was still too young to have sex then... So, she find out, he said he would never do it again, she let him off the hook but still couldn't trust him with me around the house, so I am with dad now, but not really, cause he's in China all the time with the business, so I am with this stranger call stepmom."
”That was a sad story, Rachael...and I am sorry, and I promise you I wouldn't tell anyone what you just had told me....And is that why you don't like guys?"
"Said's who that I don't like guys?"
"Ha, well...from what I know, there's a few guys try to ask you out but you turn them all down...oh, they are coming to my party too by the way, I already told them you'll be there...and they will take care of the food and drinks off course, not bad, uh?.....So do you want to come swimming with us?"
"I don't have a suit."
"That's alright, just pick one up next door."
"Nah...actually my period is here."
睇吓Rachael 係咪真係月經黎,自從上次同李太玩過後,對呢家嘢就特別興奮,我睇呢個世界咁多男人,應該唔只得我一個係咁,
就好似比人撩pat 咁,鐘意嘅,大有人在,敢認嘅,除我賤男外,仲有何人呢?(其實我都係被大肚妹迫引之下先肯認)。
「氣吞天下」能盡抽周圍空氣,化為己用,我依家只係想抽啖Rachael 嘅「女兒紅」醒吓神啫,啲狗公都成日追著黎聞架啦,
食吓食吓又食得七七八八,冇埋由就咁起身就咁就走,咁撚冇形,需然佢哋啲秘密好好聽,但點收呢個尾呢? 頭痕。